Amazon region to attract tourism

Amazon attract tourism with cruise ships

Tourists from Peru and from all around the world will be able to sail along the Amazon River aboard four modern cruise ships to be built with an investment of US$ 30 million, said Loreto's regional president, Ivan Vasquez.

Amazon River. Photo:ANDINA/Jack Ramón.
He noted that the first two ships are being built in Portugal, while the other two ships will be build in the Marine Industrial Services (Sima), located in Iquitos.

Italian entrepreneurs expect to invest US$ 10 million in each ship.

"These cruise ships will sail from Iquitos to Manaos (Brazil) across the Amazon River. They are expected to start sailing late next year," Vasquez told Andina news agency.

He said that this is one of the main results of the recent Fam Trip Rio Amazonas 2013, which was held in Iquitos and brought together tour operators from the United States, Mexico, Panama, Italy and France.

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